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Assalam Unique International School
......learning with a difference
Transport Facility
The school has a very efficient, reliable and standard transport system. We have dedicated buses for student transportation. Our buses are driven by experienced drivers.

Science Laboratory
The school science laboratories namely: Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories are adequately equipped to international standard.

Computer Lab
Computer study: our well equipped ICT room is powered by a stand-by generator to enhance our students’ knowledge of technology.

The schools provide internet access to all pupils / students and staff All pupils / students have access to the internet facility with the following rules: (a) Internet access shall only be on computer approved by the school. (b) Internet access shall only be at times approved for it. (c) Altering the internet settings on school-approved computer is not allowed.

Cctv Coverage
The entire school premises and its surrounding is fully covered with advanced CCTV cameras to boost the security system of the schools.

Alternative Power Supply
The school has a powerful MIKANO power generating set which serves as an alternative power source for the schools. It is an automatic device which starts itself whenever there is a power failure from PHCN

Games & Sport
The integral part of the school curriculum. All students are required to take part in all sports and games in the school. Students are encouraged to keep physically and mentally fit by engaging in both indoor and outdoor sports such as lawn tennis, football, long jump, high jump, scrabble, chess, basketball and many others that are available in the schools. Where a sporting activity is part of class work and a student/pupil cannot take part in the sporting activity for health reasons, such shall notify the class and subject teachers. In case of valid inability of a student / pupil to take part in any physical activity of the school for which marks will be awarded, the class or Subject Teacher shall organize an alternative activity for the student / pupil.

School Mosque
There is a mosque built within the premises of As'salam Unique International Schools. The Mosque is officially known as As'salam Unique International Schools Mosque for short. (AUISM) The school Imam is in charge of the school Mosque.

All students / pupils are to use the Library during Library time on their class timetable. No foods may be taken into the Library for eating. The Library is not to be used for meetings of any kind. The Library is not to be used for writing notes. Deliberate damage to, mutilation of, or theft of Library books / facilities by any pupil / student will result in disciplinary action by the school The default rule in the Library is for all students to keep silent unless permitted to speak by the Librarian, Library Assistant, the Library Perfect, or the Assistant Library Prefect. Where the Librarian, Library Assistants, the Library Prefect or the Assistants Library Prefect orders any pupil / student out of the Library, such must obey immediately and without any protest.

Clubs And Societies
The following clubs and societies exist in As'salam Unique International Schools: (a) Literary and Debating Society; (b) Historical Society; (c) Press Club; (d) JETS Club; (e) Home makers’ club; (f) Muslim Student's Society. Other clubs and societies may only be set up by the School Executive Board (SEB).


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